Lisp Eval in C or C++

Belinda Hoshstrasser belinda at
Fri Apr 5 04:23:29 AEST 1991

We are involved in redoing a large expert system in C++.  It was originally
written in Lisp.  Much of our reasoning is based on constraint evaluation,
which is very easy in Lisp.  However, it is not very easy or elegant in a
more structured language like C or C++.  Basically, what we need is something
that can evaluate constraints -- something similar to eval in Lisp.  Has 
anyone out there ever implemented eval in C or C++?  Is there public domain
code to do this?  If not, we would appreciate any advice or experiences from
anyone who has had face a similar problem.


|  Belinda Hoshstrasser  			|
|  belinda at			|
|  Search Technology, Inc.			|

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