Can Novices Jump Directly in C? (Books)

peregrin at peregrin at
Thu Feb 7 04:17:22 AEST 1991

	Can anyone recommend an introduction to programming book that uses C?
I'm not referring to C-For-Pascal-Programmers etc. kind of books.  I'm aware
that most introduction to programming books use Pascal, Basic, or Scheme as
their language, but I haven't seen anybooks that start a novice out directly
with C.
	The purpose of this is to help someone I know who intends to teach an
introduction to programming class in C (it was formerly taught in Pascal).

I'll post the summary if people will send me e-mail.
+ James Peregrino                        |     JPEREGRINO at HBSSTG.HARVARD.EDU +
+ Programmer/Analyst                     |         PEREGRIN at STIG.HARVARD.EDU +
+ Science & Technology Interest Group    |    JPEREGRINO at HBS.HBS.HARVARD.EDU + 
+ Harvard Business School                |       PEREGRIN at HULAW1.BITNET      +
+ Boston, MA 02163                       +-----------------------------------+
+ Voice: (617)495-6307                   | My opinions are only my own and   +
+ FAX:   (617)495-0351                   | never H.B.S's.                    +

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