summary of keyboard input solutions

David Doll davidd at
Wed Jan 2 07:58:15 AEST 1991

Heres a sampling of the solutions I got. Thanks to all who reply'd and I hope
this helps somebody else.

this was my orginal code...

#include <stdio.h>
#include <curses.h>

  to compile: cc -o run test.c -lcurses -ltermcap

	int ch;
	int i;
	for (i=0; i<10; i++){

the problem was doing some crunching and then get a user inputed value w/o
them having to hit a <cr>. The code above locked the keyboard up...


	int ch;
	int i;
	for (i=0; i<10; i++){
	 /* putchar(ch+1); */
By adding the initscr(), the program stopped locking up. Then i removed the 
putchar(ch+1) and it got rid of the garbage. Try it with the putchar and
some garbage seems to pop up all over the place, not sure as to why, but this 


  My manual says: before you do anything call 'initscr()'.
  After that say 'cbreak() ; nonl() ; noecho()'.
  You will get input char by char, un-echoed.
  Look at keypad() if you want arrow-keys etc.


>	int ch;
>	int i;
>	cbreak();
>	for (i=0; i<10; i++){
>	 ch=getchar();
>	 putchar(ch+1);
>	 putchar('\n');
>	}
>	nocbreak();

	I think the problem is that you have not called the initialization
	function for curses.  I did that once, because the documentation 
	made it sound like you only needed to call it for the screen
	routines.. after several core dumps, I figured it out. =^)

     screen look like the new one.  In order to initialize the
     routines, the routine initscr() must be called before any of
     the other routines that deal with windows and screens are
     used.  The routine endwin() should    be called before exiting.

	Doesn't mention anything about the keyboard DOES it? =^)
	But I think initscr() might fix it.

David Doll
Computer Science Dept.
University of Washington
Seattle, WA 98195
M/S: FR-35
davidd at

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