C program hierarchical listing

Stuart Celarier celarier at vishnu.reed.edu
Thu Jan 10 08:58:25 AEST 1991

Let me recommend that you investigate gprof, the
call graph profiler on UNIX systems (well, most of
them).  This produces a lengthy report, based not on
the source code but on the actual execution(s) of the
program, which will tell you for each function:  how
many times it was called (and how long it took), the
names of all _executed_ parents and children, along 
with appropriate counts.  Very valuable for speed 

I used this utility extensively when I inherited a
large software package from a third party, and was able
to discover a great amount of information about the
program structure and interaction in a short amount of

-Stuart Celarier
<celarier at reed.bitnet>

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