Libraries, code for B+Trees : Request

Narendra Ravi naren at cs.UAlberta.CA
Thu Jan 17 22:22:51 AEST 1991

I would like to know if there is any public domain and
ftpable set of routines in C for implementing B+trees.

B+Trees are variants of B-Trees. The restriction is that the
leaf nodes contain data pointers, and hence have a different
structure than non-leaf nodes.

I would also appreciate if knowledgeable folks can refer to
Class libraries for G++.

One a related note, is the NIH class library ftpable? Does
it have related classes for B+Trees, or B-Trees for that
matter? If its is ftpable where can I get it?

Please post or mail.

Thanks in advance,

 ---  Naren.    Email : naren at CS.Ualberta.CA

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