Void function pointers

Peter Anvin hpa at casbah.acns.nwu.edu
Thu Jan 24 16:28:58 AEST 1991

Hello everyone.  Could someone please tell me if this is illegal in ANSI C,
or if only Turbo C++ is picky:

void foo(int p1, double p2, void (*zoom)(int x, double y))
    printf("Do something with %d and %ld\n",p1,p2);

int bar(int baz, double quux)
    printf("Zooming... %lf\n",quux);
    return baz;

   foo(7,3.141592653938789,bar);         /* Turbo C++ gives hard error here */
   return 0;

Turbo C++ always terminates with a hard "Type mismatch" error.  Is this
correct behaviour, and if so, is there a way to declare a pointer to a
function returning *anything or void* but still specify its parameters?

Grateful for answer.

P.S. I haven't been able to figure out... is X3J11 ANSI C *finalized* (ANSI
C-90) or are we still muddling around with working drafts?  
H. Peter Anvin +++ A Strange Stranger +++ N9ITP/SM4TKN +++
INTERNET:  hpa at casbah.acns.nwu.edu   FIDONET:  1:115/989.4
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