errors in Alg in "C" by Sedgewick

Glenn Geers glenn at
Thu Jan 24 14:21:41 AEST 1991

>From article <14939 at>, by gwyn at (Doug Gwyn):

>[Stuff about Sedgewick deleted]

> On a related note, I was extremely disappointed with "Numerical Recipes
> in C", wherein not only is some utterly horrible C coding employed, but
> also the authors explicitly deride the very features of C that they
> should have learned to use effectively before undertaking C coding.
> I haven't studied Sedgewick's book enough to determine whether it has
> similar problems.

I agree. They think that switch statements aren't a good feature!
Perhaps their C code is just machine translated FORTRAN (for the most part)
like the original Pascal code that was stuck in the back of early versions
of 'Numerical Recipes'.

Anyway long live the computed goto :-)

glenn at

Glenn Geers                       | "So when it's over, we're back to people.
Department of Theoretical Physics |  Just to prove that human touch can have
The University of Sydney          |  no equal."
Sydney NSW 2006 Australia         |  - Basia Trzetrzelewska, 'Prime Time TV'

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