What PC to buy for programming under windows w/Turbo C

Levin F Magruder levin at world.std.com
Wed Jun 12 03:56:35 AEST 1991

I'm going to be replacing my old 8088 with a 386 of some type.  What
I want to know is, given that I'm going to be writing programs of
modest size to run under windows, using the newest version of the
Turbo C compiler (I probably won't be using C++, ever),

1.  Should I get more than 1 meg of RAM (I won't be using the machine
for anything other than programming, I might start working in Paradox
as well as c.)

2.  Any recommendation for memory management utility?  Do any of the
popular ones conflict with the debugger drivers (the version of C I
have has a driver called td386.sys).

3.  I take it from what I read that Borland now gives you a usable
editor with C.  If this is untrue, what's the best cheapie/freebie
editor to run under windows?

4.  Any recommendations of brands of 386 machines that are on sale
or whatever would be appreciated, but the prices are probably all 

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