LL(1) C grammar

Ed Nilges EGNILGES at pucc.Princeton.EDU
Wed Jun 19 05:17:34 AEST 1991

In article <91-06-021 at comp.compilers>, jos at and.nl (J. Horsmeier) writes:

>Hi there,
>anyone out there having (knowing of) a LL(1) grammar for `C'. ANSI or K&R or
>both would be fine.

The 2nd Edition of the C programming book includes a grammar for C in
an appendix which, although not LL(1), could be hacked-with until
you get unambiguous FIRST sets.  This is not the most fun thing in
the world (I speak from the experience of hacking the grammar in the
IBM reference manual for the REXX language into LL(1)-hood) but if
you cannot find it you must make it.

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