usr/group changing their name

Dave Taylor taylor at
Sat May 13 03:30:41 AEST 1989

Dan Troxel of Handwriting Research Corporation asks:

> I have heard that usr/group is considering changing their name. What are
> they changing it to, and WHY?!?

As I recall from reading the press release on the subject, Dan,
the /usr/group executive board has approved the change of name from 
"/usr/group" to "UniForum", to 1) avoid the problems the press has 
spelling and formatting such a strange organizational name, and 2) to 
be more closely identified with the very sucessful yearly UniForum trade 
show and conference.

This does not mean that it is a fait acompli, however; the general
membership is still required to vote on, and pass, the proposed change.

Personally, I think that the new name is kinda awkward.  I propose that
we all vote for "UserGroup" (one word, with the funny capitals) as the
name of the group.  Moving from the '/usr/' type notation is a good
move, but UniForum?  Not so good.

	Anyway, perhaps some other members can comment?

						-- Dave Taylor
Intuitive Systems
Los Altos, California			{decwrl,apple} ! limbo!taylor
				         taylor%limbo.uucp at
taylor at	or    taylor%limbo.uucp at

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