Oliver A. McBryan mcbryan at cmcl2.UUCP
Wed Mar 28 09:05:41 AEST 1984

The message from Manerra describing minimal use of EUNICE at NYU is very
puzzling (he presumably is at some division other than the Courant Institute)

We have been very heavy and satisfied users of EUNICE from its inception.
This is not just restricted to use by the Computer Science and Math Depts,
but in addition EUNICE has been widely available throughout campus on 
Acadameic Comuting Facility Vaxes.

Many large courses have been run under EUNICE, including courses using
CAD tools and languages such as Lisp.   In addition we do a lot of numerical
fluid computations under EUNICE, in part in order to access an FPS 164 
array processor which happens to be on a VMS VAX.

Of course UNIX is preferable to EUNICE, and we have been moving steadily in
that direction, but EUNICE certainly greatly enriches the environment of
a VMS machine, while still allowing one to take advantage of those VMS
features that may be of interest (eg FORTRAN code that runs 10-20% faster
than 4.2BSD fortran).

			Oliver McBryan
			Courant Institute
			New York University.

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