Disabling logins on a port?

Larry Wall lwall at sdcrdcf.UUCP
Tue Oct 16 03:05:35 AEST 1984


I've got two Eunice sites that I'm trying to get to talk via uucp.  One
problem I've been having is that occasionally the line starts "ping-ponging".
Site A sees garbage on the line and says "Username: ", and eventually times
out.  But then Site B see the stuff sent out by Site A, and says "Username: ",
etc, etc.  Not only does this fill up our accounting file, but it prevents
uucp from running, tragedy of tragedies.

We only poll in one direction, say from Site A, so I ought to be able to
suppress login processing on the A side, which would solve the problem.
The only way I've found so far, however, involves allocating the terminal
line in question.  The problem with this is that the line has to be
allocated by the uucp process, which isn't there all the time, so I can't
allocate it permanently.

I've glared at the manuals for a considerable length of time, and have yet
to see any simple way of telling VMS not to respond to garbage on the line.
On my Unix system, I just edit /etc/ttys and zap init.  Is there anything
comparable under the Virtually Mindless Sadist?  Help, Cecil, help!

Larry Wall

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