Packed Data Structs?

Nathan Banks nbanks at killer.UUCP
Sun Jun 19 14:23:15 AEST 1988

I am relativly new to usenet, forgive me if this has already been hashed
out in this topic area. Has anyone addressed the concept of packed data structs
in C? I would like to propose a new (if not already proposed) storage
allocator called 'packed'. In writing data communication programs in C
I find it very frustrating that C requires such stringent alignment in data ts when so many architectures have no alignment requirements.

There are some compiler vendors which allow you to specify an architecture
model for the code generator to follow which allows the engineer to define

	o how large a long, int, short, char is
	o alignment requirements of the above objects
	o how fields are allocated (left to right or right to left)
	o how shorts, ints, longs are allocated most significant part is
 located at bit x LSP is located at bit y, etc.
	o should there be holes in structs for alignment purposes or should
	  they be padded?

I love C, but something needs to be done about data structure definition.
When one is trying to define a data structure in C following the guidelines
of a standards board like CCITT, ANSI, T1x1 where objects are defined which
may or may not occur on an aligned address, one finds if very difficult to 
define that data strucuture. Engineers programming in C for the first time
find it very frustrating when they define a 3 byte data structure and find
out that sizeof (x) returns 4 instead of 3 because of padding.

This 'packed' feature would be very nice when applied to fields instead
of defaulting to int as K&R specified. My company is currently targeting
to a 16 bit architecture with plans to move to a 32 bit architecture. There are
lots of field definitions - few people on my project are forcing their
own field definitions to padd out to 32 bits using a union. My attempts
to get the company to define a standard 16 bit int across both the current
16 bit architecture and the future 32 bit architecture have failed - so far.

When you defining a fields to match CCITT field definitions that fit inside
an octet, one finds that he must define a char and then define a "template"
struct to interrogate the data stored in the char or just define a union.
Or define masks to interrogate the data. To myself - none of these methods
are as elegant as what I think 'packed' could do for C.

I thank Ma Bell, K and R for coming up with this engineer's "dream?
" language, but I think we need to adopt some, if not all of the 
data definition primitives that our European alllies (competitors?) have
accomplished in the CHILL programming language. Digital Equipment Corp's
Pascal compiler also has some very nice data structure definition primitives
similar to CHILL. How may I become part of the ANSI C definition process?

Thank you very much for letting me voice my opinions and your recommendations
and criticisms would be accepted with much enthusiasm.

Nathan Banks
Data Communications Software Engineer
_   _ ___   Nathan Banks 
_ _ _  __)  UUCP: nbanks at killer.UUCP             BELLNet: (214) 964-3174
_   _ ___)  USPS: 2701-C W 15th Street Suite 411 Plano, TX 75075-7523 USA

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