
Aaron Zimmerman aaron at proxftl.UUCP
Thu Aug 18 01:33:12 AEST 1988

My 3b1's monitor (you know, that ugly GreenScreen...) has a sore case of the
bounceys. Sometimes it will decide to sort of vibrate up and down. That is,
the image shifts on the screen, kind of like there was a problem with the
vertical hold or something. The image will oscillate briskly with a maximum
amplitude of about a half an inch. Some days the image is perfectly still, but
others it's so jumpy that it's nauseating to read the text. Sometimes it
varies within a day, but for the most part it seems to make the decision on a
daily basis. I have a surge protector (though admittedly not a great one), but
surges seem an unlikely cause. I have to do something about this before I lose
my lunch on the keyboard one day.

Any suggestions would be most welcome. Also, is it possible to simply
*replace* the monitor? I would really prefer amber, anyway. Also, monochrome
monitors are so cheap, I ought to be able to just put a new one on for maybe
$75, which would probably be cheaper than the repairs... unless there's some-
thing simple wrong... or if the problem isn't in the screen, but in the video
chip or the CPU clock or something...

Help appreciated.

__   |  Aaron      |  Proximity Technology  |  #include <disclaimer.h>  |
     |  Charles    |   3511 N-E 22nd Ave.   |  #include <cute_quote.h>  |
__   |  Zimmerman  |    Fort Ladeda, Fla    |  cat flames > /dev/null   |

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