big disks for 3b2

a.d.hay adh at anumb.UUCP
Fri Aug 26 21:40:30 AEST 1988

i posted a while back (was it just last week?) that someone who
advertised in unix/world has add-in disks for 3B2s, larger ones than
AT&T sells.

well, i just ran across their ad again.
congruent technologies, austin tx. 512/346-0467
170Mb for 310 & 400, 320 & 640Mb (;^>) for scsi models - 500 & up.

don't the 600s have 3 internal drives?
imagine -- 64Mb ram & 2Gb disk on your (large) desk!

Andrew Hay		+------------------------------------------------------+
Holistic Specialist	| I was reading my name on the glass of my office door |
AT&T-BL Ward Hill MA	| and listening to the staccato of rain on my desktop. |!adh	+------------------------------------------------------+

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