Can several windows be smgr/wmgr/phmgr?

Andrew Poling ecf_hap at jhunix.HCF.JHU.EDU
Fri Feb 24 03:40:39 AEST 1989

In article <618 at> lenny at (Lenny Tropiano) writes:
>	ioctl(wd,WIOCSYS,SYSWMGR);	/* declare to be system window */

I've been wondering if more than one window can issue this ioctl.
Anybody tried it or know?

>... Maybe someday I'll finish my unfinished window-manager replacement.
>It was a good lesson in windows/tam and some other obscure UNIX pc 
>functions.   It's about 65% finished ...
>Lenny Tropiano             ICUS Software Systems         [w] +1 (516) 582-5525
>lenny at      Telex; 154232428 ICUS         [h] +1 (516) 968-8576
>{talcott,decuac,boulder,hombre,pacbell,sbcs}!icus!lenny  attmail!icus!lenny
>        ICUS Software Systems -- PO Box 1; Islip Terrace, NY  11752

 Now that's something to look forward to!  I've been whacking away at
my own wmgr/smgr/phmgr replacement - you're right; I've learned alot
of stuff that I never encountered before.  I think it's just too
monumental a task for me, though.  Mine, like yours, is mostly
finished but that final 20% or so is killing me.  From your work I've
seen before, maybe I'll just give up on mine and wait for yours.

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  .     *     _        .   *     *    .  .   *      andy at  .
    *  .    _/ \   *   _   .      .  *      *       *    .       *     .
\          /    \_   _/ \      *         _/\   *    ap at    *
 \   . * _/  /\   \ / () \_       /\_   /   \_*  .   *   .       *    .    .
^ \_    /         _/       \    _/   \_/   <> \_    ecf_hap at
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\    \_  ()   __/        _    \  /\      / \_ ^  \   L64A0429 at jhuvm.BITNET  .
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