AC Cooling Fans

Mike Proicou mike at captain.UUCP
Sun May 21 14:16:45 AEST 1989

Before the fan-questions die a natural death, let me get mine in:
I have a 3b1 (full-height case), and stock fan.  The fan is a variable
speed one, it speeds up occasionally (when it gets too hot, I guess).
The speed-up mode really is loud, too.  If I install an AC fan, the
temperature sensing goes away, right?  If so, I have to run the fan at 
"wind-machine-mode" all the time, right?  This doesn't sound like a 
good trade-off to me.  What am I missing?

Mike Proicou                                 | The supreme irony of life is
mproicou at               | that hardly anyone gets out
osu-cis!n8emr!captain!mike                   | of it alive.   -- R Heinlein

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