vertically-mounted floppies

Bruce Becker bdb at becker.UUCP
Sun Jun 3 15:13:14 AEST 1990

In article <1990May31.035625.18728 at hybrid.UUCP> mdapoz at hybrid.UUCP (Mark Dapoz) writes:
|Yes you can, I did, but be aware that the 3B1 power supply can't really
|handle the load which two hard drives put on it.  Take it from experience,
|I blew a 3B1 power supply after trying to do just that (it worked for 
|about a month though :-).  I now have my two drives being powered by
|an additional 300W power supply which is also in the new case.

	I think Mark had a spot of bad luck -
	I've been running 2 drives on a 3B1
	power supply for months, without a
	hint of trouble. Thee drives are large
	Maxtors (1105 & 2190). The supply seems
	to run slightly hotter, but the top of
	the 3B1 case doesn't seem too warm...

  ,u,	 Bruce Becker	Toronto, Ontario
a /i/	 Internet: bdb at becker.UUCP, bruce at
 `\o\-e	 UUCP: ...!uunet!mnetor!becker!bdb
 _< /_	 "I still have my phil-os-o-phy" - Meredith Monk

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