T2500 firmware versions (was Re: 3B2/modem recommendations)

Greg Andrews gandrews at netcom.COM
Sat Apr 20 21:39:20 AEST 1991

In article <657 at wrangler.WLK.COM> bill at wrangler.UUCP (Bill Kennedy) writes:
>I hear that the myriad of firmware rev levels on the T-2500 is something 
>of a headache but I don't have one so I don't really know.

But there have only been four of them.  GA1.00, GA2.00, GE6.01, and GE/GF7.00.
There may have been a GE6.00, but that would still only make 5 over a two
and a half year period.  The modems didn't begin selling in a big way until
the market began lusting after V.32 and V.42 about a year ago, so most of the 
T2500s out in modem-land have version 6 or 7 firmware.

|  Greg Andrews   |       UUCP: {apple,amdahl,claris}!netcom!gandrews    |
|                 |   Internet: gandrews at netcom.COM                      |

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