NFS Problem

Scott Hazen Mueller scott at pyrtech
Fri Mar 25 10:04:06 AEST 1988

In article <486 at galaxy> dave at andromeda.UUCP (Dave Bloom) writes:
<In article <17382 at> Scott Schoenthal writes:
<> There was a series of fixes in 4.0 PTFs to problems with directory reading
<> between Suns (and PCs) and Pyramids.  Most of these involved the Pyramid as
<> client.  The customer should move to the latest PTF if it has not already
<> been installed.  In addition, OSx 4.1 has many improvements (functional and
<> performance) over earlier releases of NFS.
<Scott was our RTOC contact concerning the problem I posted earlier. Indeed,
<the problems we were having were kernel related directory reading problems
<which were fixed when I applied the PTF's that Scott sent me.
<Thanx Scott.

Just to clear up any confusion...there is, at minimum, an upstairs in RTOC
Scott and a downstairs in R&D Scott :-)  The latter suggested PTFs and I
confirmed that this was indeed the case and got them out to Dave.

<              \  pyramid \                          Dave Bloom
<ihnp4!packard  >!rutgers  >!andromeda!dave          Office: (201) 648-5083
<      allegra /     phri / 

Scott Hazen Mueller, Pyramid RTOC          scott at
415-965-7200x6006                          pyramid!pyrtech!scott

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