"Robert M. Dombroski ", FSAC rdombro at ARDEC.ARPA
Wed Oct 5 21:24:18 AEST 1988

     I think its good to here some of the whining.  Besides giving me a laugh
in the morning, its interesting to here the problems some people have with
SGI.  I've sort of been illusioned about them.  You see, I get same day
hardware service, the hot line usually responds with the right answer, and the
sales force, including the regional manager come running on a momments notice
when needed.  However, with 30 3130's, 8 4D80GT's and 3 of the 80MIP guys on
the way, I guess SGI knows what side there bread is buttered on.  Oh well,
money talks and bullshit walks, unfortunately.
     Lets keep this as a forum for the guys who have gripes of every nature as
well as the nuts who send out those gigantic graphics routines that I just
LOVE to have cluttering up my mailbox.

Bob Dombroski
U. S. Army ARDEC
Picatinny Arsenal, N.J.

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