Window manager

Finn Drablos finnd%vax.runit.unit.uninett at NORUNIX.BITNET
Tue Jan 24 19:50:00 AEST 1989

>With normal user accounts, login at the console doesn't come up
>with the window manager, but after some seconds, returns to login
>prompt.  Root works fine, as usual.

I have no suggestions about what is wrong, but we have had similar problems
with our 4D/70 GT. We are running a pre-release version of the CLS/UX Cray-
link software for communication with our local Cray. If we log off the
Iris when CLS/UX is running, login on the graphics console does not work.
Every other character typed at the login: prompt is not echoed, and even if
we type every character twice, it is not accepted, and we are returned to
the login: prompt. Sometimes we are able to get around it by doing a kill
of the grcons process, but it does not always work.
We have also had some problems with the 4DDN software that we installed in
december. When we log off the Iris with 4DDN running, the window manager is
not able to load, and this also slows down all other processes (included
starting a reboot ....). This may be a memory problem (we have 8 MB).
Silicon Graphics Sweden have been contacted, but they have not yet been
able to say if this is the problem.
Any suggestions ?

Finn Drablos
finnd at vax.runit.unit.uninett
finnd%vax.runit.unit.uninett at
finnd%vax.runit.unit.uninett at norunix

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