Menus and mouse buttons

David F. Rogers dfr at CAD.USNA.MIL
Sat Jun 3 01:16:03 AEST 1989

We are having a number of small problems with pop-up menus and the mouse
1. If we lay the window out with fixed locations for
menu items ala
MENU1    MENU2    MENU3 .....
and use the x & y locations of the cursor along with the LEFT mouse
button to pop up the appropriate menu, it is necessary to use the
RIGHT mouse button to select the individual item from the menu. Both
the LEFT and RIGHT mouse pull the cursor down the menu list. We would
much prefer to use the LEFT mouse button to both pop-up the menu and
select the individual item.
2. For various reasons we prefer to use direct calls to mouse functions
rather than queing the mouse. That works ok with the LEFT mouse button.
However, the RIGHT mouse button appears to be `permanently' attached
to the window manager, it pops up the window menu, as well as the
MIDDLE button, which moves the window. In order to detach these
functions we presently have to que both buttons. Anyone know how to
detach them from the window manager while in direct mode?
Please note: We are not interested in a discussion of qued verses direct
device calls, nor in alternate ways to do the menus.
Thanks in advance
Dave Rogers

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