security (was: Single user mode)

Reinhard Doelz doelz at
Wed Jun 7 16:18:52 AEST 1989

to answer a question what do you do if the booting does not work ? 
i.e., if you want to modify the scripts in /etc/init.d without boouting the

The soulution is a hacker solution which proved to work on 4D/70,80,and 120.
It shows that once you have access to the console and a software tape on hand, 
you get into *any* 4D without providing any password.

1) go to >> prompt (old PROM versions) 
2) start the installer
3) manual installation
4) administrative 
5) spawn a shell and look into /root/

There, you will find  /root/etc/init.d, and you might want to copy original
SGI scripts from /etc/init.d

Nasty thing: You say 
cp /etc/passwd /root/etc/passwd
and reboot the machine. 

root doesn't have a password no longer !!!

- Reinhard

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