Finding load average on Iris 4D

Eric A. Pearce eap at bu-cs.BU.EDU
Thu Jun 15 09:47:24 AEST 1989

  Is there a way to get a load average on the Iris?   The BSD way
  would be to nlist the kernel and find "_avenrun", but I did not see
  anything similar on the Iris.   

  What I am after is an "/usr/ucb/uptime" clone, i.e. 

  7:41pm  up 14 days,  1:48,  7 users,  load average: 1.05, 0.90, 0.61

  It looks like everthing other than the load average can be obtained
  from /etc/utmp.

  (as a side effort, it would be nice to get "loadst" to work in GNU emacs)

  This is on 4D GTX running IRIX 3.1G.

 Eric Pearce eap at
 Boston University Information Technology      
 111 Cummington Street                        
 Boston MA 02215                             
 617-353-2780 voice  617-353-6260 fax       

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