Updating directory views

Mark V. Meuer meuer at umn-cs.CS.UMN.EDU
Sat Nov 18 04:18:42 AEST 1989

How can I get a directory view that has been opened in the WorkSpace
to re-sync itself with its directory?

What happens is that I'll open a view, call up the editor from that
view and create a new file from within the editor and write it to
disk.  Unfortunately, the file does not show up as an icon in the view
unless I kill the view and re-open a new one for the directory.

We are running 3.2 IRIX.  It think that the 3.2 beta version we had
would automatically sync the views.

Thanks for any help!


Mark Meuer                         |       1200 Washington Ave. So.
Geometry Supercomputer Project	   |	   Minneapolis, MN  55415  
meuer at geom.umn.edu		   |	   (612) 624-1867          

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