
Matthew J. Wicks wicks at DCDMJW.FNAL.GOV
Tue Dec 4 09:09:33 AEST 1990

>From wicks Mon Dec  3 16:08:30 1990
Subject: Re:  anon ftp config advice

>>Date: Mon, 3 Dec 90 16:31:00 EST
>>From: "Dan Karron (karron at nyu.edu" <karron at karron.med.nyu.edu>
>>Subject: anon ftp config advice
>>How can I log what anonymous users are doing on my anon ftp account ?
>>I would like to keep stats on what people are taking (to justify
>>the popularity of my junk for my boss).

I don't believe there is any way to only log anonymous ftp, but you can
turn on logging for ftp and then write a simple script to filter out the
anonymous ftp lines.

First of all, to turn on ftp logging, the following should be placed in

ftp     stream  tcp     nowait  root    /usr/etc/ftpd           ftpd -l

Then execute: "/etc/killall -1 inetd" to restart inetd.

The following line then can be used to look at any ANONYMOUS FTP access:

grep ftpd /usr/adm/SYSLOG |grep "ANONYMOUS"


Matt Wicks
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
wicks at fnal.fnal.gov

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