Use of snoop(7P)

Mark Andrews mark at alias.UUCP
Thu Feb 8 02:04:29 AEST 1990

I have been playing with the snoop(7P) protocol on a variety of
4D's (4D/60,70, 20, 25) running Irix 3.2. My program was constructed
using the examples in the manual page:

   #include <sys/types.h>
   #include <net/raw.h>
   #include <netinet/if_ether.h>
   #define ETHERHDRPAD	  RAW_HDRPAD(sizeof(struct ether_header))
   struct etherpacket {
   	struct snoopheader	  snoop;
   	char			  pad[ETHERHDRPAD];
   	struct ether_header	  ether;
   	char			  data[ETHERMTU];
   	int s;
   	struct sockaddr_raw sr;
   	struct snoopfilter sf;
   	struct etherpacket ep;
   	int cc, on = 1;
   	bzero(sr.sr_ifname, RAW_IFNAMSIZ);
    * If the family is not set (not specified in manual page), bind
    * fails due to unsupported address family.
   	sr.sr_family = AF_RAW;
   	sr.sr_port = 0;
   	if (bind(s, &sr, sizeof sr) < 0)
   		/* Error */
   	bzero((char *) &sf, sizeof sf);
   	if (ioctl(s, SIOCADDSNOOP, (struct snoopfilter *)&sf) < 0)
   		perror("Adding snoop filter");

	< .... >


When the program attempts to add the snoopfilter to the socket, the ioctl()
fails with the error ``Invalid argument'' and the following message appears
on the console of the machine (4D/80S in this case):

	enp0: promisc. mode failed: no firmware support

Is this going to be fixed on a future release ? I was hoping to use some
of the above code to port tcpdump to Irix.

	Mark Andrews
	Systems Programmer,
	Alias Research,
	Toronto, Canada
Phone:	(416)-362-9181
UUCP:	mark%alias at

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