Shells, NQS (Network Queueing System)

russell at CCU1.AUKUNI.AC.NZ russell at CCU1.AUKUNI.AC.NZ
Mon Jul 9 09:10:13 AEST 1990

There is a version of tcsh available for ftp form We have it. The
only problem is that it was compiled with the system wide cshrc file disabled
which makes it useless for our purposes. There are also sources in the form
of diffs from the 4.3 BSD sources. Which are only useful if you happen to have
the 4.3 BSD csh sources. If you can't ftp them I might be able to arrage for
you to use coloured book ftp from one of our vaxes. It would cost you since
you would have to go through public X25 net.

|  Russell Fulton		'phone +64 9 737-999 x 8955       |
|  Computer Centre		domain	rj_fulton at	  |
|  University of Auckland	fax     +64 9 303-2467		  |
|  Private Bag			time    gmt -12 (13) (summer time)|
|  Auckland, New Zealand.					  |

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