Some Problems

Tony Facca fsfacca at AVELON.LERC.NASA.GOV
Tue Jul 3 22:28:07 AEST 1990

> 1) About anonymous ftp
> I have configured my site with the "anonymous ftp" facility. Some of
> the directories in ~ftp are symbolic links to other directories on a
> remote disk mounted via NFS. I have discovered that if I connect as
> anonymous there is no way to do a CD to those directories (!).

This is the way NFS works.  You will also notice that if you have a file
system mounted from one host to a second host, then rlogin (telnet) from a third
host, you won't be able to access the NFS mounted file system either.

> Another (less complicated) question is the following:
> Is there any way to log any anonymous login (I mean user, host and what he
> downloads) to a file?

Edit the file /usr/etc/inetd.conf and change the ftp line to look like this:

ftp	stream	tcp	nowait	root	/usr/etc/ftpd       	ftpd -d -l
The -d switch will print debugging information in the /usr/adm/SYSLOG file and
the -l switch logs ftp sessions.   Then restart the inetd daemon.

[1;53H         Tony Facca         
[2;53Hfsfacca at

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