making jove

whip at POLY1.NIST.GOV whip at POLY1.NIST.GOV
Fri Jul 20 01:11:15 AEST 1990

I continue to fail in my efforts to make the editor jove on the IRIS on
which I am working (what an awkward sentense...).  I think what it comes
down to is that I don't understand one of the lines in the Makefile.  It
tells me to specfify the -i flags for my split I/D space.  As far as I
can tell, neither cc nor ld recognizes a -i flag to have anything to do
with I/D space.  On the other hand, since I don't know what I/D space is,
maybe I'm just not noticing the appropriate, relevant information in the 
man pages.  If anyone can tell me what the -i flags are, or what I/D space
is, or anything else potentially useful in solving my problem of making
Jove, I'd appreciate it.
eugholz at
(or reply to whip at

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