Wren VII

John Buchanan buchanan at cs.ubc.ca
Sat Sep 29 03:23:01 AEST 1990

We are currently considering adding a Wren VII to our file server which
is a 4D/70.  Has any one added this disk to an SGI box, if so I would like
to hear your comments, gripes, etc....

|					|===============================|
|	John Buchanan (juancho)		|	buchanan at cs.ubc.ca	|
|	Imager Manager			|===============================|
|	Imager				|	(604) 228-2218		|
|	Department of Computer Science	|===============================|
|	University of British Columbia	|	Standard disclaimer	|
|	Vancouver, BC, Canada		|	included in this	|
|					|	box, right here.	|

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