3.3 mount problem

Jon Genetti genetti at CSSUN.TAMU.EDU
Sat Sep 29 04:26:23 AEST 1990

I just recently installed IRIX 3.3 on a personal iris.  Everything went
smooth until I tried to mount other file systems.  Doing a standard mount
(like in the manual) returned this:

# /etc/mount csiris3:/usr/share /usr/share
mount: csiris3:/usr/share on /usr/share: Invalid argument
mount: giving up on:

csiris3 is still running 3.2 but I have added sgi_mountd 391004 mount showmount
to YP master server.  I get the same invalid argument when trying to mount
SunOS 4.1 filesystems.  I've checked most of the basic things: /usr/share
is there, csiris3 is exporting /usr/share, rpc knows sgi_mountd, etc.
I didn't see Invalid argument under possible error messages in the manual.

I also tried faking the mount to see what happens:

# /etc/mount -o ro,soft -f csiris3:/usr/share /usr/share
# cat /etc/mtab
/dev/root / efs rw,raw=/dev/rroot 0 0
/dev/usr /usr efs rw,raw=/dev/rusr 0 0
/debug /debug dbg rw 1 2
csiris3:/usr/share /usr/share nfs ro,soft 0 0

so I am not sure where the trouble lies.  It seems like the 3.3 mount
might be passing a new option to the 3.2 mount that causes it to fail.

I have a call into the hotline, but they said they are backed up and
I haven't had a return call yet.  I was hoping someone may have seen
this or might have an idea of something to try.

jon genetti
genetti at cs.tamu.edu

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