input and 4.0

Marc Cooper marcc at
Thu Jan 3 08:30:14 AEST 1991

In article <1991Jan2.200804.5681 at> msc at writes:
>In article <1990Dec22.205039.24380 at>, andreess at (Marc Andreessen) writes:
>|> This is hooey.  X Windows and Motif are both very customizable on any
>|> platform.  If you put the following 3 lines in your personal '.Xdefaults'
>|> file, you get SGI-like behavior (pointer focus, interactive placement,
>|> etc.) -

Arrgh!  I missed Marc Andreessen's original note.  What were the lines?

This would make switching between X and NeWS (which I have to do throughout
the day) much nicer...

could someone send them to me? no point in wasting bandwitdth unless a lot of 
other folks want it...


Marc Cooper		| "In my childhood, I WAS an imaginary playmate."
marcc at	|	-Tom Robbins, EVEN GOWGIRLS GET THE BLUES

		National Center for Supercomputing Applications

Disclaimer:	"It's mine! All mine!"  -D. Duck

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