suggested mods for "dog"

Howard Lo hlo at
Wed Jun 26 02:36:00 AEST 1991

In article <SLEHAR.91Jun21120245 at>, slehar at (Steve Lehar) writes:
|> As a former commercial pilot  and  avid  aerobatic enthusiast who  has
|> always  had  an interest in air   combat,  I  have  received years  of
|> pleasure from the sgi family of flight simulators, which give a better


|> horizon.  Even my old Pitts biplane could do this trick.
|> I would be delighted to demonstrate  these principles in actual flight
|> to anyone (in the Boston area) who is seriously planning to modify the
|> code and fix some of these little bugs.
|> 	Steve Lehar
|> --
|> (O)((O))(((O)))((((O))))(((((O)))))(((((O)))))((((O))))(((O)))((O))(O)
|> (O)((O))(((               slehar at               )))((O))(O)
|> (O)((O))(((    Steve Lehar Boston University Boston MA     )))((O))(O)
|> (O)((O))(((    (617) 424-7035 (H)   (617) 353-6741 (W)     )))((O))(O)
|> (O)((O))(((O)))((((O))))(((((O)))))(((((O)))))((((O))))(((O)))((O))(O)

   Another enhancement I would like to see is in the area of ergonomics.
   How about using the spaceball to control the pilot's out of the window
   view ? This way, I can visually track another airplane for dog fighting
   or aerobatics by twisting the spaceball with my left hand while 
   controlling the flight path with my right hand.

   Hat's  off to Gary Tarolli, Rob Mace and all the contributor.

-- hl

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