supercomputers, DGL, FDDI

Drew R Whitehouse drw900 at
Wed Mar 20 16:31:53 AEST 1991

	I'm interested in hearing peoples (SG people included)
experiences using SG's directly from supercomputers via thinks like
DGL.  How do I go about getting DGL for a new machine (Fujitsu VP 2200
and CM-2) ?  What are peoples experiences with faster than ethernet
networks for SG's (eg fddi). 

/* Drew Whitehouse,                        E-mail:  drw900 at  */
/* Visualization Programmer,            (NOTE: recent change, no more csc2 ) */
/* Australian National University,         Phone : (06) 2495985              */
/* Supercomputer Facility.                 Fax   : (06) 2473425              */
/* GPO Box 4, Canberra ACT Australia 2601.                                   */

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