lockf()/lockd problems

Mark Bartelt sysmark at physics.utoronto.ca
Tue Mar 19 02:32:41 AEST 1991

Am I just overlooking something obvious, or does lockf() not work properly on
NFS-mounted volumes?  More specifically, the lock gets created, but doesn't get
removed when the requesting process exits.

I R'ed TFM, and TFM claims (in the lockf(3c) man page) that

  All the locks for a process are removed when the process terminates.

However, this seems to happen only for local files, not for NFS-mounted ones.
For the latter, subsequent attempts to do a test-and-lock (by using F_TLOCK)
return EACCES.  For example:

  % x /usr/people/sysmark/tmp/foo             # This file is on the client
  /usr/people/sysmark/tmp/foo: ok
  % x /usr/people/sysmark/tmp/foo
  /usr/people/sysmark/tmp/foo: ok
  % x /hemlock/sysmark/tmp/snarf              # This file is on the server
  /hemlock/sysmark/tmp/snarf: ok
  % x /hemlock/sysmark/tmp/snarf
  /hemlock/sysmark/tmp/snarf: lock error 13   # GACK!

The trivial program "x" (source appended below) just does an open/lockf/close
for each file named on the command line.  Configuration details:  The program
was run on a 4D/25 running IRIX 3.3.1; the server is a 4D/280 running 3.3.2.
And lockd/statd are running on both systems.

Is this just a horrible botch in lockf() and/or lockd?  Or (more likely) have
I just missed something in TFM?

------------------------------------- x.c -------------------------------------

#include <unistd.h>

extern  int     errno;

int     ac;
char ** av;
        int     fd;

        while ( --ac > 0 )
                if ( (fd=open(*++av,2)) < 0 )
                        printf("%s: open error\n",*av);
                else {
                        if ( lockf(fd,F_TLOCK,0) < 0 )
                                printf("%s: lock error %d\n",*av,errno);
                                printf("%s: ok\n",*av);


Mark Bartelt                                                       416/978-5619
Canadian Institute for                                 sysmark at cita.toronto.edu
Theoretical Astrophysics                               sysmark at cita.utoronto.ca

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