Securing the Server

Mike Jipping jipping at
Sat Apr 22 10:04:22 AEST 1989

How about the following scheme.  You suggested an alternate source for the
YP passwd map (e.g., /etc/passwd.clients); use that.  Now in /etc/passwd
on the server, use a different login shell than /bin/csh or /bin/sh -- try
something that does nothing or kicks folks off the machine (after perhaps
recording that they trespassed).  A spiffy trick for these "alternate"
shells appeared in an STB last year -- it automagically routed the user to
a free client on the network.  Now, that example was for users calling in,
but it would work for you as well.

This way, a user is still known on the server, but can't telnet/rlogin to
do anything useful.  And some accounts -- the ones you give a "real" login
shell to -- can still login and use the machine.

      Mike Jipping
      Hope College
      Department of Computer Science
      jipping at

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