Securing the Server

Michael Maciolek mikem at
Mon Apr 24 20:28:05 AEST 1989

(The original poster wanted a way to keep some users from rlogging into
the fileserver, with various other limitations)

I don't know if there's a more elegant solution; this one's kind of tricky
and something of a kludge, but I'm doing something similar and it works
fine for us.

I also don't know if this will meet all your requirements; I assume it's
okay if users are unable to login at the server's console, as well as
being unable to login through telnet or rlogin?

The idea is that when a user logs in, instead of starting his/her normal
login shell, you call an authorization checker.  If the user is logging in
on any machine *except* the server, control is passed to the shell...but
if the user tries to login on the server, s/he must pass an authorization

I've included a piece of code in which the user must be a member of a
special group (in this case, group number 15) in order to log into the
machine which has a hostname of "servername".  If the user is accepted,
s/he begins executing the specified shell.

If you have some users who prefer a different login shell - sh or ksh or
tcsh, you'll need a separate version of this program for each shell you
intend to support (there are ways around this.  hint: use argv[0])

You'll need to add a line to your /etc/group file which lists all users
who are privileged to login to the server.  The group name is irrelevant,
as long as the group number matches the #defined constant "MAGIC".

If you have any questions, send mail to

mikem at		(preferred)
mikem at		(only if "juliet" bounces)

Michael Maciolek	(617) 981-3174
Group 43 SysAdmin	MIT/Lincoln Laboratory

------------------cut here------------------------------------------------------
 * Copyright (c) 1989 Michael J. Maciolek
 *  Permission is granted to anyone to make or distribute verbatim copies
 *  of this document as received, in any medium, provided that the copyright
 *  notice and permission notice are preserved, and that the distributor 
 *  grants the recipient permission for further redistribution as permitted 
 *  by this notice.

 * Disclaimer
 *  The recipient accepts full responsibility for determining the suitability
 *  of this software for his/her particular application, and for any damages
 *  arising from the use of said software.  The recipient shall in no event
 *  hold Michael J. Maciolek or the Massachusetts Institute of Technology or
 *  MIT/Lincoln Laboratory liable for any damages arising from the use of
 *  this software.

 * That ought to keep the lawyers happy!  :-)

#include <sys/param.h>
#include <errno.h>

#define MAGIC 15
#define SERVER "servername"
#define SHELL "/bin/csh"


int     argc;
char    *argv[],*envp[];

        int     rv,i,glist[NGROUPS],hostname[MAXHOSTNAMELEN];

/* what is my hostname? */

        rv = gethostname(hostname,MAXHOSTNAMELEN);
        if (rv < 0) {

/* of which groups am I a member? */

        rv = getgroups(NGROUPS,glist);
        if (rv < 0) {

/* See if one of my groups is the MAGIC group */

        for (i=0; i<rv; i++)
                if (glist[i] == MAGIC)
 * If this is not the server, or if I am in the privileged group, permit
 * the login to proceed.  Else, reject the login attempt.
        if ((strcmp(SERVER,hostname)!=0) || (i<rv)) {
                rv = execve(SHELL,argv,envp);
        } else {
                printf("You are not authorized to login to this machine\n");
/*---------------------cut here--------------------------------------------*/

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