what machines will Sun be announcing

Chuck Musciano chuck at trantor.harris-atd.com
Tue Feb 28 14:43:12 AEST 1989

eli at ursa-major.spdcc.com (Steve Elias) writes:

> my guess is that Sun will announce some 68030 based systems...

I have seen some things posted in sun-spots about upcoming products, and
am somewhat concerned.  I know the answers to Mr. Elias' questions, but
can't say, because I am bound by a non-disclosure agreement.  The
information pre- viously posted was also bound by this agreement.  Don't
people realize that Sun is doing its customers a courtesy by participating
in pre-release disclosure of information?  If people keep violating the
spirit of the agreement, Sun will begin to restrict the number of people
privy to advance information.  We use the information to plan our
purchases and advise in-house users, and I would hate to be excluded in
the future.

I understand how great the desire is to know what is coming, but people
should really abide by the non-disclosure agreements, or not participate
at all.

Chuck Musciano
Advanced Technology Department
Harris Corporation
(407) 727-6131
ARPA: chuck at trantor.harris-atd.com

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