Suntools background Rasterfile

Mike Smithwick mike at
Sat Jan 14 11:26:56 AEST 1989

["LA, where neon goes to die. . ."]

I've picked up a few of the background images. Anyone whose seen 'em all
should post a review of which ones are worth our trouble to get, and what
we should pass over. 

With that it mind, I wasn't able to get the moon image to work, sunview
just ignores it. (If I had a microgram of initiative, I suppose I could
probe around in the sunview source, but after the holidays, I'm just to
beat. . . %-). The moon image is almost a quarter meg in size, where vanna
is only about 30K and works fine. Why would Moon be so much larger, and
why doesn't it work, eh?

"Vanna" is fills up about a quarter of the screen, but is pretty good. She
looks like a converted MacVision shot. "Saturn" is a Voyager saturn pix,
but is likewise smaller than the full screen, and doesn't look all that
hot. "Marilyn" fills up the entire screen, but is rather dark and low
contrast. "Space" is of Astronaut Bruce McCandless flying the MMU above
the earth. It is full-screen, and quite impressive.


	*** mike smithwick ***

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