rlogin trouble: Chars translated into ^D

Seth Robertson seth at sirius.ctr.columbia.edu
Wed Mar 29 17:11:03 AEST 1989


I have been having this trouble whereby if a person rlogin/telnets to
various machines, when they type, all of their characters get translated
into ^Ds.  I personally use ksh, and this does not happen to me.  However,
when su to root (which uses csh) the characters again are translated.  The
translation also occurs if I use `Mail`.

The problem can be avoided (for me) if I rlogin to the same machine
(getting a new pseudo-tty #).  This seems to happen (with no apparent
cause, on a fairly frequent bases on the first rlogin session (but not
always ttyp0)

Has anybody else had this trouble?  Any advice?  I am running 4.0

	seth at ctr.columbia.edu

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