68881/Mcrt1.o problems with setitimer()

John D. Polstra polstra!jdp at uunet.uu.net
Tue May 9 17:29:20 AEST 1989

(In article <499 at ircam.UUCP> (v7n255) metcalf at ircam.ircam.fr (Chris Metcalf)
wrote about setitimer behavior which seemed to depend on the selected floating
point option.  He gave a sample program which worked with -fsoft but not
with -f68881.)

The itimerval structure has an "it_interval" field which you have not
initialized.  In your program, that field contains stack garbage which
varies depending on what has happened in the runtime kickoff code.  Stick
"static" on the front of your declaration for "itv" and the problem goes

	John Polstra	jdp at polstra.UUCP	...uunet!practic!polstra!jdp

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