260 crashing with Error message Panic: sleep

Joerg Schilling unido!berthold!joerg at uunet.uu.net
Wed May 17 03:35:13 AEST 1989

The message "panic: sleep" means that the kernel sleep() has been called
from within an interrupt routine. This is normally the done by bad device
driver. First check, if you are using a generic kernel i.e. no driver
installed which is not written by sun. If the bug is still there try to
boot kadb and type $c after the crash: you will see a stack trace from the
kernel including the routine which called sleep(). 

I hope that helps you in finding the bad guy tha calls sleep().

        J. Schilling 
        H. Berthold AG 
        Teltowkanalstr. 1-4 
        D 1000 Berlin 46 
        +49 30  7795 - 400 

joerg at berthold.de 
... tub!berthold!joerg 
... unido!berthold!joerg 

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