Anyone using Prestoserve

Guy Harris auspex!guy at
Sat Sep 30 10:35:46 AEST 1989

>I've received some info. on a product called Prestoserve from a
>company called Legato Systems in Palo Alto. The claim to have a
>VME board with bbu memory, driver and admin tools which accelerates
>sun server throughput performance. Is anyone out there using this
>product and if so can they please comment on the claims etc. I believe
>there is a similar product from a company called Auspex or similar,

There is a product from a company called Auspex, but it's not a similar
product - it's an NFS file server (which includes a Sun board running 4.x,
although the NFS and file system code runs on separate processor boards),
not a plug-in board for existing machines.  A product announcement has
been sent to the USENET group "comp.newprod", and will, with any luck,
show up there shortly.

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