Help selecting Project Management Software

Cory Myers aaec1!cory at
Tue Jun 5 04:42:41 AEST 1990

Our company is interested in project management software that runs on the
Sun and would provide us with increased capabilities over our current
system (MacProject II).  We want to use the software for single project
planning, multiple project planning, and tracking of projects.  Our
projects tend to be dominated by manpower rather than material concerns.
The primary complaint we have with MacProject II is that it does not
remember the report formats that we want to use all the time.  I am sure
that there are features that it does not have that wold be also useful to

The Catalyst book lists twelve different packages and I have the two page
description of SunTrac.  I would like to here from anyone who is willing
to share either positive or negative recommendations for any project
managament software.  Thanks in advance,

	Cory Myers

	Atlantic Aerospace Electronics Corporation
	470 Totten Pond Road                    
	Waltham, MA 02154
	(617) 890-4200

	cory%aaec1.uucp at

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