Transcript and QMS 2220 Printer

Michael Wagner wagner at
Fri Jun 29 03:44:37 AEST 1990

I'm trying to get the Transcript software to support our new QMS 2220
printer.  The problem I'm running into is the difference in the size of
the imaging region between the QMS and an Apple Laserwriter. The
Laserwriter supports a 10.92" long imaging area (according to the Adobe
red book), while the QMS's imaging area is only 10.5" long. Both enscript
and pstext end up clipping the last line (or first column if you're
printing landscape) on the page. I've been unable to find anything in the
man pages that would help me. I've tried setting the "px" and "py" fields
in the printcap entry for the QMS, but this did nothing. Any suggestions
would be greatly appreciated.

Michael Wagner
Siemens Corporate Research, Inc.
Princeton, NJ 08540
wagner at

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