SUMMARY: Backup while in multi-user mode

Jon Allen Boone jb3o+ at
Thu May 23 06:20:25 AEST 1991

Ok, so I'll take the advice that you ought to do level 0 dumps in
single-user mode.


	    		Will the following scenario work?

	  2:00am (Dump Time!)
		 Cron on machine A (MA) says to do dumps.

		 Exebyte is on machine B (MB), so rsh the job to MB.

		 MB determines which filesystems need to be dumped at
		 what levels.  Let's say that there are 10 different
		 file systems.  Let's say that 1 needs a level 0 dump.

		 machine C (MC) needs the level 0 dump.  Cron on MC
		 has a job scheduled which determines that it needs a
		 level 0 dump - so it shuts down.  Then, it dumps the
		 level 0 filesystem, rsh'ing the output to a dd
		 command on MB.  Once it's done, it reboots the
		 machine to multi-user mode. 

		 Well?  (Note: Comments about the insecurity of rsh,
		 etc. are welcome - but probably already known.)

If you can't do that, then WHAT can you do?

   IF you have many different file systems - too many to actually go
around and hang a unique exebyte off of each one - and you can't
realistically change the location of the exebyte each night, what do
you do other than multi-user mode backups (some of which are level 0)?

    Also, I just today did a multi-user backup/restore from one
machine to another - a level 0 dump of both / and /usr - restoring
each to another machine (with myself and another person logged in on
the dump machine) - and it seems to have worked just fine.

   -=> iain <=-

| "He divines remedies against injuries;   | "Words are drugs."           |
|  he knows how to turn serious accidents  |     -Antero Alli             |
|  to his own advantage; whatever does not |                              |
|  kill him makes him stronger."           | "Culture is for bacteria."   |
|                   - Friedrich Nietzsche  |     - Christopher Hyatt      |

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