Pascal file manipulation using XLP and RS/6000

Joe Greco jgreco at
Sun Dec 16 17:05:15 AEST 1990


I was wondering if anybody could clarify file handling under XLP on the
RS/6000.  I'm used to pc and pix on a Berkeley system, and have used micro
versions of Pascal before.  However, I do not have a fine manual to read on
XLP, and AIX info is no help, and I am having problems.  reset() causes
major heartaches.  Can anybody mail me a short summary of RS/6000 Pascal
file handling calls?

Thanks in advance.

.. Joe

Joe Greco - University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee - Department of Mathematics
jgreco at		USnail: Joe Greco
Voice: 414/321-6184				9905 W. Montana Ave.
Data:  414/321-9287 (Happy Hacker's BBS) 	West Allis, WI  53227-3329
ICBM:  43 05 20 N 87 53 10 W
#include <witty_and_humorous_saying.h>
Disclaimer: I don't speak for the Math Department, the University, or myself.

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