Porting from AIX/RT to AIX PS/2.

Russell A. Heise RAH at IBM.COM
Mon Jul 23 23:45:37 AEST 1990

 cs3631bs at hydra.unm.edu (Peter Blemel) writes:

 > I am trying to port C and f77 code to the PS/2 running AIX. The IBM guys
 > loaned me one of these boxes, but had no manuals. Worse yet, no one seems
 > to know anything about the compilers.
 > I have been told there is no f77 or cc, just vsfort and vsc. There also seems
 > to be no make, which is making my life miserable at best. I have figured out
 > that one must invoke vsfort, vspass2, and vspass3 in order to produce a .o
 > file (IBM talks about some vsf command, but a "find / -name "*vsf*" -print"
 > can only find the stuff in /lib.
 > ...

 Your loaner machine apparently has one glaring deficiency:  it does not
 have the "Application Development Toolkit" program installed.  This
 package is a prerequisite to all the languages offered under AIX PS/2.
 In particular, it has 'cc'.  Once you have it installed, you should
 have no trouble using 'cc' to compile both .c and .f files; 'cc' will
 call the appropriate commands for the two types of source files.

Russ Heise, AIX Technical Support, IBM

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